Sunday, May 9, 2021

Fulbright scholarship usa 2021-22 |usa fully funded scholarship

 Fulbright scholarship usa 2021-22 |usa fully funded scholarship

Fulbright scholarship usa 2021-22 |usa fully funded scholarship
Fulbright scholarship usa 2021-22 |usa fully funded scholarship

AoA friends and welcome to my new blog we'll be talking about Fulbright scholarship I'm going to give ground what is the scholarship about and pretty much about the application procedure so let's get started in September 1945 a senator named William Fulbright  introduced a bill in the US Congress it was to find for the exchange of students in the fields of Education Culture and science one year later President Harry Truman signed the Fulbright Act into the law down seventy-four years we have this amazing exchange program running every year and benefiting hundreds and hundreds of students across the world now to understand more tailored this exchange is actually a two-way system we have u.s. Fulbright Scholars and then there are visiting scholars so the u.s. for white scholars or students who are US citizens and they go to different parts of the world different countries to study and do research whereas the visiting scholar is someone from another nationality who comes to the u.s. to study or research or professional training and so on.


Now within the visiting scholar program there are different types of scholarships for example there is a degree program there is a professional development program and there is teachers training I am going to focus on there for my degree program and by that I mean I'm going to focus on the scholarship that's given for masters and doctorate program so to break it and further for master's that's one to two years of and for PhD it's up to four years but it can't go to five years and this extension is kind of based case-by-case it's based on what what is the situation after four years and why do you need to have an extension for another year so that's the whole dynamics but let's look at the point of contact there are 51 four-bike Commission's across the world and there are other offices as well who work directly with the Department of State in the US and that's your point of contact that's the source where you go ahead and apply and they get to do the whole procedure they stay with you throughout the procedure they tell you about all the steps they're after and that's how you get going on.




I can find some thing for you regarding to contact there the great part about the scholarship airs that is offered every year the applications are accepted sometime around mid SAP and then their submission deadline is big May but and one thing is that for this year 2020 they are extending it to June 15 2020 which is due to the pandemic situation but this is the time make the most of it and apply and trust me this is the best opportunity you can get to study abroad now let's have a look at what's included in this grant because it's a full scholarship all your tuition is covered for the whole program so if it's masters it's two years program flotation cowboy if it's PhD for use program fully covered now there are more benefits along with just paying tuition it a fair one return ticket from your home country for the master's program and one additional return ticket making a two return tickets for the ph.d program then you get a living stipend which is your monthly allowance and that really is for your rent it's for your groceries or your transportation tickets and so on so forth this amount really varies from state to state so if you have your University in California versus having your University North Dakota your stipend would be different but it would be adequate fo in that state so you don't have to really worry about it or you're not really hard to mouth because of this title next is you get textbooks money and that's really included it within this type and when it comes twice a year so two times a year you get a certain amount around two hundred five hundred dollars and that's included in your stipend to buy the textbooks that that you need for your coursework or any research work then comes the health insurance which is really important and fulbright covers your husband surance get you can get up to two insurances.


So you would have a primary insurance and a secondary insurance but then again it depends on the country that you are from and the kind of contrast there between 4-byte and the country furthermore you get one-time payments as well and these are settling an allowance which could include some deposits that you have to give at the time of moving into a new place or just settling in th US for the very first time so thi amount really helps you with that the they also give a certain amount usually a thousand dollars which is really good and that's to buy a machine for yourself which is good which could be a laptop which could be a desktop so that's there plus they also give you a certain amount to go and presentin national conferences for a master's program they give one and for PhDs you can apply up to two conferences so that's really a big package now moving on further about what is the applicants eligibility it has to be a citizen of the country or applying from and which is your home country and then also you should be residing in that country at the time of application this is very important then if you don't plan for a master's degree you need to have 16 years of education and if you're applying for a PhD you need to have 18 years of education and it's desired that you have some work experience and mandatory thing one thing that comes and the eligibility is that you are committed to return to your home country and then you would be serving the country as well so the idea is that is it's an exchange program.


They want you to go to the US learn increase you are learning third and then come back to your country and contribute they're now coming to the in eligibility you are not eligible if you have dual nationality which means if your second win citizenship is American you cannot apply for a Fulbright scholarship or even if your spouse your fiancee what if any of your parent is a you citizen you are again ineligible for this scholarship furthermore if you're an employer Fulbright organization or if you're an employee of the US Department of State you are ineligible it's also not valid for those who are already studying or already working in the u.s. looking at the academic disciplines that you can apply for basically you can apply for anything we can apply for all the disciplines whatever it is if you are studying art or science or data science agriculture of Water Resources in an energy public health piece security studies anything but one thing is that Fulbright is not for clinical medicines let's have a look at what the reviewer is actually looking for in the     application you have to submit an application form you also have to submit your transcripts from high school to pay whichever is your greatest one there are test scores that you need to summit and those are basically GRE scores and if you are selected they also ask for a tofu which is an English language score other than died there're two essays personal statement and study objective and this Isis or having a lot of great page in the application.


Recommendation letters that come from either your professors or from your work place make sure they're confidential you need to have it from someone who already knows you so your teacher your file your supervisor anyone any head position from your job whoever you were working under if you have been working and from those three letters to have to from academia and run from your workplace and make sure it's not someone who is relative who is your blood relation but it should be someone  a professor or someone who knows you very well so we can write about you well you know can you refer you to an extent that it's strong enough and further more here are bonus ways of making the application really well and that includes if you have done internships if you have done some sort of volunteer work if you have some publications some research for being done you really need to incorporate all of that information in your application to make it a good one now coming to some questions that are in the application they asked about one thing is the general information your name occupation what experience about and so forth then you have to tell about major proposed in-depth study and this is the question that you need to answer within 75 minutes and it should be precise but it should like I said  give enough information to the other person who is reading it to know that what are you going to study using the scholarship then another question is for future plan and that's again the answer should be within 75 words and you need to tell about your career plan your near future benefit that you need to take  from this scholarship then comes the education and it it's supposed tableware you mention about all the degrees that you have received over the period and comes the question of membership and professional societies that's again a good point if you haven't directed I would highly recommend to join a professional society or an organization that's relevant to your field and be a member and just be active within that society then there are questions about research if you have done some research and for if you are fresh graduate you wouldn't really have but I would recommend that do mention you finally your project your senior project and then for for those,So i hope u all its fine thankuuu

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