Saturday, May 8, 2021

Coca-cola scholarship 2021 - How to apply - The Most Competitive U.S. Merit Scholarship

Coca-cola scholarship 2021 - How to apply - The Most Competitive U.S. Merit Scholarship

Coca-cola scholarship 2021 - How to apply - The Most Competitive U.S. Merit Scholarship

Coca-cola scholarship 2021 - How to apply - The Most Competitive U.S. Merit Scholarship

getting loser we're going shopping hello everyone and welcome back to my basement floor this is literally the only clear space i have in my house so this is what's it's gonna just work for right now if you don't know me my name is mc kenna i'm an incoming freshman at stanford university.

coca-cola scholarship  the coca-cola scholarship is notably the most competitive and most applied for scholarship in the united states over 93 000 seniors applied for the scholarship last year and only 150 wanted that means an acceptance rate of about 0.16 percent now before i get into the scholarship i wanted to remind any new people here.

So you'll be notified when i post my next college related video the first question i'm going to answer for you guys is what is the coca-cola scholarship it is a 20 000 scholarship for college that is completely merit-based meaning doesn't take any demographic data into account or financial data into account what makes this scholarship so unique is that you have 10 years to use it meaning it doesn't have to be used for your undergrad education it can be used for med school it can be used for grad school it just has to be used at an accredited university in the united states.

Winning this scholarship gives you a massive network spanning decades of professional people in almost any industry with many of those people doing exclusive work with coca-cola and mentoring young coca-cola scholars the benefit of being a coke scholar is well beyond the twenty thousand dollars it is a lifelong honor and support structure that offers an almost endless stream of opportunities so how do you apply any us student who is a senior in high school this year is eligible to apply the application opens august 1st and you can apply at coca-cola scholarship.

Apply however before i move into the details of the coca-cola scholarship my brand sponsor for this video is teddy blake they are italian-made fair-priced luxury handbags made from premium italian leather this one is the ava gold 11 inch in light blue i love its size how it clasps closed and that is easily changeable from a handbag to a shoulder bag you can find it on their website linked in the description below they frequently have sales of up to 70off so be sure to check them out especially if you're shopping for a gift anytime soon now on to the video what's the application like well there are three different rounds to the application after each different round a certain number of people are eliminated and then a certain number of people move on to the next step in the first round you input basic things like your gpa your volunteer hours the number of activities that you do and just basic information about yourself it's not too complicated and there's very little to no writing in that step of the application however it is the step of the application that the most people get cut from it is so hard to get past this round it goes from about 93 000 people all the way down to 2500 people my tip for this round is to make sure that you are extra thorough in making sure that you write down every single extracurricular that you do you count every single volunteer hour and you make sure that every single part of your application is the absolute best it can be because this is one where people don't actually look at it it is an algorithm that goes through and automatically calls students from this application round even though this round is decided by an algorithm don't lie on it it will bite you in the butt later when you actually have to  describe the things that you do on your application for the second round you will need a letter of recommendation along with a lot of writing i mean a lot of writing this one took me the longest amount of time out of any of the rounds you want to describe all of your activities in lengthy.

Detail as much detail as you can give possibly especially highlighting any type of leadership activities or community involvement they want to see that you are incredibly engaged in your community and you are spending your time dedicated to the activities that mean the most to you here is a super secret application tip that i learned from a passcode scholar you can combine extracurricular activities into themed sections so for me i said stem clubs and then i put all my stem clubs into one box because i ran out of room so if you run out of room in one of the by school activities community activities and i forget what the other ones are but if you run out of space you're limited in the number that you have be sure to group your activities so you don't leave anything out another tip is making sure that you have somebody else read your essays for that round along with your activity descriptions they are both equally important the essays are pretty simple some of them are only 50 words i think the longest was about 250 words.

So you want to make sure that you make the most impact possible in as little words as possible at the end of that round it goes from about 2500 all the way down to 250 and that is the start of the final round the interview round you get one interview and last 20 minutes so some people might think that's a long time for a lot of interviews that's a short amount of time and especially for this interview it is a very short amount of time you want to be as descriptive as possible about literally anything they ask you if they ask you about your favorite activity you want to go in lengthy lengthy detail about not only why it's your favorite activity but how you got started in it what you're doing it and what you hope to do in it you want to make sure that they know  every single thing about that activity and how passionate you are about it because it's really that passion and internal motivation that gets kids these scholarships do not try to speed through the questions and answer them quickly.

Go into that detail i only got through about three and a half questions in my 20 minute interview and i still got the scholarship i didn't even finish one of the questions because i went over but they could tell that i was super passionate about all of the things that i talked about because i didn't care about how much time i took to tell them about it the final question i'll answer for you guys is how did i win it it takes an incredible amount of dedication not only to academics but also to community involvement to win this scholarship if you are new here you probably don't know very much about me academically but here's a little overview i went to a very competitive high school in colorado where i was one of the top 10 students and i had a perfect gpa all throughout high school i scored a 34 on the a.c.t and according to some of the organizations that received them my letters of rec were some of the best they'd ever read.

I took all honors in ap classes throughout high school i was president and leader of four different clubs and was a member of over eight at leasti also played four sports  ran a charitable company did university level research that got published last year i also got into every single college i applied to i will not sell myself short that i am a very very competitive applicant for a lot of things but i truly do credit my ability to speak about my activities and show my passion and love for them as the reason why i end up winning so many different scholarships and awards when it comes down to it it doesn't  actually matter how perfect your statistics are if you can't actually talk in depth and with passion about the things that you do if you only have a surface level understanding and a surface level care  for the activities that you're involved in then it will be apparent to the people on the outside who are wondering about those activities  that you don't truly fully engage in them you want to make sure that in this scholarship application just like any that you are super thorough and detailed about what you do you want it to be clear that you truly are engaged in those activities and that you truly do love them because in the end that is the most important  thing that the coca-cola scholarship.

Worries about there are plenty of kids who apply with 36s on the act and 1600s who also have 4.0 gpas who get cut the first round of this application because they don't involve themselves in their community this one is truly merit based on a level of extracurriculars not just stats so make sure that when you're looking to apply for the scholarship and especially if you're anywhere below your junior year and you're watching this to make sure that you dedicate your time to all of those things you do outside of school hours if this video was helpful be sure to give it a thumbs up and if you would like to see another scholarship video on one of the other scholarships i've won or you'd like to learn about how to write scholarship essays be sure to comment below that you want to learn about scholarship essays and i will seeyou next time thank you all for read.

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