Tuesday, May 11, 2021

How to Get a Full Ride Scholarship in 2021 | Top Universities

 How to Get a Full Ride Scholarship in 2021 | Top Universities

How to Get a Full Ride Scholarship in 2021 | Top Universities

How to Get a Full Ride Scholarship in 2021 | Top Universities

there is a will there's  way good fricking morning gang how you doing you feeling stellar today coz I'm feeling pretty good happy Monday you made it I filmed this last night are  you Sunday so I mean right now it's Sunday but you're gonna watch it on  Monday so I'm telling you that I filmed it last night but I just like to give you a quick check-in on Cornelius he's still great maybe my favorite fish of all time and he really deserves the world so if you like Cornelius hit the like button the subscribe button all we're going to be talking about scholarships and I don't want to go through everyone's name who asked for who asked questions about scholarship but I will put them all up here somewhere all right I'm gonna put them all up here and you can read them all everyone keeps asking me about scholarships and how to get them and all that stuff if I'm being honest I've gotten one scholarship in my entire life and it's called pathwayoregon.

in it's an awesome scholarship I'm not that gonna get if I'm being honest every time I apply to get scholarships I never get them I don't know why maybe people just don't like me maybe it's because I don't have the GPA and also today I think I'm gonna go through all of my stats and all of that shenanigans because you guys have also been asked about where I'm gonna be going through my stats and that's probably why I don't ever get scholarships because my GPA was not that great but I'm okay with that you know okay so if we're talking about scholarships you have to talk about how to get merit scholarships so just think about merit scholarships you have to have a good GPA scholarships the first thing that people do when they're going through scholarship application is they look at your GPA they're gonna say hey this person has this GPA they probably worked pretty hard for it so we're gonna give we're gonna take them and put them in the missed pile and then everyone else just gets kind of thrown to this side so if that's your number one thing that you want if you want to get good scholarships is a really really nice GPA however this is where I faulted becaus care about GPAs I couldn't care less about how my gradesare as long as I pass my classes and that doesn't make me stupid it just means I have different priorities and other people and that's okay but it also means that I won't get scholarships I've kind of come to the conclusion to that and every time I apply to a scholarship I know I probably and get it because of my GPA so coming out of high school I had a GPA of 3.2 I told people other things it's because I used to be like really embarrassed about my GPA but now I've kind of like coming to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter and like April exhale put in and I put a lot less work into other people so you know 3.2 I'm pretty happy with it and my SAT scores were a 1250 that is a one confirmed super cool I didn't study or the SAT liked it all I only took i   one time and it was right before promweirdly enough and yeah so I got pathway pathwayoregon scholarship.

 it's a University of Oregon scholarship I got it because a couple different things  so basically pathway is based off of like your financial need and you have a certain GPA but the GPA requirements alittle bit lower and it's a three point four for that however what they do is give out all the scholarships to the people that have a three point four and they qualify for some kind of financial need and then after that when they have extra money they give it to everyone who has a below a three point four and they just keep going down their list so if you don't have a three point four but you still have pathway you still got the pathway letter it's because they just got your pool but you're in the pool below the 3.4 yeah it's pretty cool one thing I will say about pathway is make sure that you do your FAFSA under you have two separate parents this is getting it really boring and if this doesn't apply to you I'm so sorry just skip ahead like 30 SEC alright so basically what you're gonna do is you are going to do your FAFSA under this if your parents are divorced and they're did two separate homes what you're gonna do is you're gonna do your FAFSA under the one that has the most financial need because you're gonna get the most money for college because of that so do that you'll get money from  that and they keep doing your FAFSA with that same parent regardless of who yo do taxes with okay you can do your taxes every other year with your parents just make sure that you do your FAFSA with the parent that has the most financial need all right okay welcome back everybody merit scholarships yeah Mayer scholarships are all about your GPA that's kind of your first thing and then after your GPA it gonna be all about your SAT scores look how good your essays are all of that kind of stuff it's all like standard college application stuff so if you can make a solid ad and you're you're solid you're gonna get so much money but if you can't you can'tput together a solid app it's gonna beharder to find scholarships but it's okay don't fear it's gonna be okay all right just know you're gonna figure out.

how to pay for college okay where there is a will there's a mother boy I will tell you that in my head there have been so many times where I'm stressed out but how am I gonna pay for this how am I gonna pay for that guess what you work hard enough if you keep looking for a solution you will find one there's nothing that can stop you if you have a computer okay if you  got yourself the power to email everyone you will find a way my best piece of advice to you email everyone everything you turn in an application send an email to whoever you turn that application say you know look I turned in my application I'm feeling pretty good about it I just wanted to check in tell you that I'm super excited about your program or  whatever just give them what they want give them the attention okay you're automatically gonna do better and I will tell you like I said I have only gotten pathways scholarship I've applied through a couple other scholarships and  never gets because of my GPA if you're looking for a ton of scholarships and you have a low GPA it's gonna be hard however here's my alternative 40 it's all gonna be in quantity you gotta just milk it you got to work so much harder because think about all those hours that you didn't put in to have a good GPA now you got to put all those hours in get scholarship and it's all but a little because the ones that give out have these giant pools of money and then they give them out to a bunch of other kids who like a massive amount of kids as to one or two kids so they're gonna be your scholarships that are gonna you money $50 $100 thousand dollars don't go for those $20,000 fellowships you're never gonna get them anyway that is my tea for today thank you so much 

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