Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Turkiye Burslari Interview Experience | Guideline for Turkey Scholarship Interview 2021-22

 Turkiye Burslari Interview Experience | Guideline for Turkey     Scholarship Interview 2021-22 

hello everyone welcome to my new blog hope so you all are doing great today's video is about my turkey prosthetic interview experience and watch this video till the very end because i'm gonna tell how i got selected for this scholarship and what types of questions they asked me and we'll let you know about some tips and tricks that you must know before going for the turkey interview and if you're looking for the complete guideline and how to apply for this scholarship then the link is given in the description and also if you're new to my you tube channel then don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss the upcoming

Scholarship guideline:

Turkiye Burslari Interview Experience | Guideline for Turkey Scholarship Interview 2021-22
so now let's talk about today's topic we were three students on that day and i was the first one who called for interview and to be honest i didn't prepare a single thing for the interview let me tell you something very interesting here i was thinking that i have good academic background so they won't ask me any technical questions and this interview will be easy for me but i was completely wrong because the other two guys had higher marks than me and at that moment i was a bit stressed that i won't get any advantage of my academic background so i'm gonna share how i got selected and would highly recommend you guys to

prepare yourself for the interview because it won't be so easy my interview was conducted by three members of turkey buslari and i think they were professors of different universities and first of all when i went inside they  i gave them and after one minute one of the professor asked me  on your certificate it's shown you have improved some subjects what's the reason

of this and why did you do that i explained them that due to some personal reasons i couldn't perform in that specific subject and i had an opportunity to redo it so that's why i did that specific subject again and i have shown them both transcripts that it's not many subject it was just one subject that was urdu and then they said it's completely fine and for the first five or ten minutes of my interview they were talking about my introduction and then they were discussing my letter  intent and one thing important here that you have to tell them you will come back after your studies  and i would highly recommend you to tell them your future plans what i told them i want to pursue my studies from usa after graduating from

turkish university and after this they gave me a list of questions and it was mathematical integration and derivation questions and they did not want me to solve just those questions but they were asking me different questions at the same time like some physics laws some chemistry questions and not just one or two like maybe six or  seven questions from those mathematical questions part was not just about solving those specific questions they were checking that you can use your mind and skills at the same time for different tasks or not and this is one of the important thing that you shouldn't just focus on those mathematical questions at that time but you have to answer them very nicely to other questions didn't know all those questions but I was so relax was smiling at them and i was answering their other questions like physics questions chemistry questions when they stopped started solving those mathematical questions and yeah you must answer all of their questions if you don't know some thing at least you must have the concept of that thing don't say that sir i don't know this because whatever they are asking you have already done in your high schools i solved all those mathematical questions they didn't check it properly they just looked at it and they said

Turkiye Burslari Interview Experience | Guideline for Turkey Scholarship Interview 2021-22
it's fine and yeah i was explaining them the physics law sand chemistry questions very well and

one thing important here that you must stay very calm and very relaxed at that moment don't get stressed because of those questions their main intention was not to check your knowledge but they want to see that you can easily handle that type of basic questions in front of others but if you get stressed at that moment because of questions and believe me for me that they were asking me different questions was solving the mathematical questions and at the same time they were asking me different questions and all of them not just a single person but i would recommend you to calm relax they won't completely decide your selection on those specific questions but always answer them don't say sir i don' t know these things because you must know those questions and it's okay if you know some questions completely but you must say something about those questions please fill your application very carefully because whatever you will write in your application they will go through your complete application and they will ask each and everything also they asked me bout my hobbies so i was not so much into photography at that time and i said i like photography and they asked me my social media accounts they said okay we want to see your facebook account we want to see your instagram accounts because we want to see how good you are in photography and then i gave them whatever you will write in your application they will ask you and whatever you will say in the interview they will go in detail so don't say anything stupid let's suppose if you say you like photography when they ask you your social media accounts and you have no




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